Saturday, July 14, 2012


1) Name of the Tool:    Doodle

2) URL of the Tool:

3) Please select the one, primary category for this tool: Productivity/scheduling

4) Please describe this tool in your own words in about 150-250 words.

Doodle is a tool that helps finding suitable dates and times for group events such as appointments and conference calls. It also supports polls in general so that groups can decide on options other than dates. Doodle is a free service. Poll results can be hidden from participants.Doodle mobile enables to use Doodle  using a mobile device. Besides the mobile Web app Doodle also offers a native App for the iPhone and Android. Doodle has different features. Some of theses features are free such as connecting calendars, MeetMe which is the contact center to coordinate the meetings. Other features are for charge such as Premium Doodle which is an ad-free professional version of Doodle for individuals or companies and organisations. The premium subscription offers higher functionality and theming possibilities.

5) Try using the Tool (you may need to sign up for a free or trial account) so that you will learn how it works and what its capabilities are - and so that you will be able to answer the following questions.

6) What do you need to know before using this tool? (What skills do you need to have?)

Basic Computer and Internet skills. A mouse is needed to check the polls making accessibility difficult for those who cannot use their hands.

7) What do you need to have before using this tool? (Resources)

Computer and Internet Access

8) How do you use this tool? (Write the basic steps using a numbered list)

1- Sign in using your Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo and other accounts
2- Follow instructions to invite others for a poll

3- Allow Others to view your availability using "MeetMe" feature

4- Merge Calenders. The following vimeo link from Doodle website explains how to connect calenders:

9) Locate or create your own example of an educational resource created with this tool and discuss what you found or created. Also, please include the URL for this example or embed it into your blog post, if applicable.

Doodle is not designed to be a teaching tool

10) Include screenshots, audio podcasts, screencasts, or other multimedia elements that help describe the tool and how you used it. (Please indicate what program you used for this task.)

The following SlideRocket presentation shows the different functiond and steps of Doodle:

11) Please describe a scenario of how you might use this tool in a teaching environment (150-250 words).

Doodle is not designed to be a teaching tool. However Doodle would be a great tool to schedule classes. I could send an invitation for a face to face or online class via Doodle to check the students availability. Based on the students\ responses I will schedule the time that meets the availability of the maximum number of students. The other students will see the responses and may be able to adjust their schedule accordingly. That will save me a lot of time and energy trying to schedule the class. Using the "MeetMe" feature I could also show colleagues and students when I am available to meet and how I want to be contacted.

12) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this tool in a teaching environment?

Advantages: Simple to use, can synchronize calender with different other calender tools
Disadvantages: Privacy concern as students may see other students schedules.

13) Would you recommend this Web 2.0 tool to others, or suggest that they explore a different tool?
I recommend this tool for scheduling availability polls. Calender synchronization can be done with this tool or

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