Saturday, June 30, 2012

E-Learning Voicethread Teamwork

A description of how your group collaborated in the making of your presentation: 

Our group used email with "reply to all" feature to communicate between each other. We divided the roles and each one designed two power point slides uploaded to Drop box. Once completed, the presentation was uploaded to VoiceThread. Each one of the group made a comment on her/his slides then we made comments on each other's slides. We then embedded the Voicethread presentation to our blogs.

 Your experiences using VoiceThread:

VoiceThread is easy to use. I had to read a tutorial to know how to let my colleagues to co-edit the VoiceThread comments. The phone comment is nice and I used it for the introductory comment. If I wanted to continue using it I would have had to purchase minutes. I used a mic to leave voice comments. I also used the text comment feature on the last slide. I found this useful if you would like to put a web link in your comment. I need to figure out if it is the sequence of the comments can be controlled.

 A reflection of how you think VoiceThread could be used in your presentation/professional life:

VoiceThread is an excellent way to share multimedia with others and get asynchronous interaction between audience or learners. I think VoiceThread can have important applications in medical education. One I idea I have is to ask each fellow to prepare a VoiceThread presentation about a patient they saw. They can include in the presentation imaging studies, short educational video or screencast. Each fellow will chose a patient's case that is not only different than the other but it has to be of educational interest. The rest of the fellows will leave their comments on VoiceThread. We can then have a collection of Educational cases and comments to review.

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